How do I fill in the Company Profile and why is it important?

How do I fill in the Company Profile and why is it important?

The Company Profile contains the main information for the website: The address, contact numbers, company logo, main advisor's information and biography, website disclaimer, organization details and social media.

Step 1: Click the cog wheel next to your account name on the top right. Select "Company Profile".

Step 2: The first 25% is to fill out the Company details, insert the logo and main advisor's biography.

Step 3: The next 50% is the office details, company vision (optional), Disclaimer (this will appear at the bottom of each page) and Client login (optional).

Step 4: The next 75% is the Organization details, OSJ information (if required) and the listing of states for Insurance and securities (this info will appear on the bottom of each page with the disclaimer).

Step 5: To complete the 100% add in the links to the companies social media profiles.

Step 6: Once you are all done press save.